From support in Germany to a global mission!

Do you remember our appeal for donations in August 2016? The generous donations made it possible for Abbé Anicet Gnanvi to successfully complete his studies in Rome. Today, we can see how your support has not only sustainably promoted his education, but also his entire mission in the church. His success story is an impressive example of the far-reaching impact of the priest training aid made possible by your donations.

Early life and vocation

‘Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I chose you’ (Jer 1:5).

Abbé Anicet, born in Benin in 1986, grew up in a modest family characterized by faith and community. Together with three siblings, he grew up in an environment characterized by faith and community. Even as a young boy, he felt a deep inner calling that led him to enter the minor seminary at the age of just 12. This early decision to enter the seminary was the first step on a path that would lead him to proclaim the word of God and act as a servant of the Church. From an early age, he showed a deep devotion and unshakeable faith that accompanied him through the years of his training.

Training and early years as a priest

‘Your word is a lamp to my feet, a light for my paths’ (Ps 119:105).

After successfully completing his A-levels, Abbé Anicet continued his studies in philosophy and theology at the major seminary Monseigneur Louis Parisot in Tchanvédji, Benin. The intensive examination of theological questions and the deepening of his faith strengthened his conviction that the path of the priesthood was his path in life. He remembers this time as a phase in which he consolidated his spiritual roots.

On 27 July 2013, at the age of 27, he was ordained a priest in the Cathedral of St Pierre Claver in Lokossa.This day marked the culmination of years of preparation and was also the beginning of a new phase in his life.As a newly ordained priest, he began his service as a teacher at the Notre-Dame de Fatima minor seminary in Parakou, Benin. Here he was able to combine his passion for education and his love of God by teaching young people and accompanying them on their journey of faith.

Later career and mission

‘Teach me to understand and recognise good things, for I believe your commandments!’ (Ps 119:66).

Between 2015 and 2017, Abbé Anicet took on the role of Director of Studies at the Catholic secondary school in Azové, Benin.In this position, he had the responsibility of promoting the spiritual and academic development of many students. His work was characterised by the conviction that education is not only a means of imparting knowledge, but also of shaping character and strengthening faith.

In 2018, a new opportunity opened up for Abbé Anicet when his bishop sent him to Rome on a scholarship by Priesterausbildungshilfe. There, he deepened his knowledge of Church Management and Social and Institutional Communication at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce. This time in Rome was not only academically enriching for him, but also spiritually fulfilling. He spent many hours in prayer and reflection, which further deepened his understanding of the Church and his role in it.

After his return to Benin in 2021, he was appointed Communications Director and Press Spokesman of the Bishops’ Conference of Benin. In this role, he uses his skills to effectively spread the message of the Gospel and strengthen faith in Jesus Christ.His work as spokesperson is a testimony to his deep conviction that communication is a powerful tool to share and spread the faith.

Stay in Bavaria

‘I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath done me good.’ (Ps 13:6).

In the summer of 2024, Abbé Anicet had the special experience of working as a summer chaplain in the parish of Unterneukirchen (Bavaria). During his stay in the various parishes, he got to know many warm-hearted people and deepened the community of faith. He was particularly impressed by the hospitality and the opportunity to familiarise himself with the culture and spirituality of Bavaria. The exchange not only enriched him personally, but also the people who were able to get to know him.

Abbé Anicet is fluent in four European languages (French, English, German, Italian) and five Beninese languages. He often expresses his musical passion in singing, which for him is a special form of praise and strengthens his spiritual bond.

Rome and further studies

‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation!’ (Mk 16:15).

The years in Rome were of great importance to Abbé Anicet. They not only provided him with a solid academic education, but also offered a unique opportunity to experience the global perspective of the church. This experience had a lasting impact on his later work in Benin. He applied what he had learned in Rome to his duties as communications director and helped to make the church in Benin more modern and accessible. Abbé Anicet recognized that preaching the Gospel today requires more than ever the effective use of the media to spread the good news to all corners of the world.

Personal reflection and spiritual beliefs

Abbé Anicet is deeply rooted in faith and his life story is a testimony to his devotion and service to God. He draws strength from the scriptures and finds in them the wisdom that guides him in his daily life. His deep connection with God, his dedication to education and his tireless work for the church are a living testimony to the power of faith and the importance of service and dedication. Through his work in Benin and his experiences in Rome and Bavaria, he has not only touched the lives of many people, but has also helped to strengthen and spread the faith of our Church. His story is an inspiration for all those who want to hear God’s call and follow him.

His mission is far from over and he will continue to work to bring the light of the Gospel to people’s hearts.