Category Magazine

SupportFather Andito and his mission!

Father Andito was born in 1990 in Larat, a small town on the Tanimbar Islands (Indonesia). The archipelago is part of the Moluccas and lies around 1000 kilometres north of Australia. Andito is the youngest of five children. All of…

From support in Germany to a global mission!

Do you remember our appeal for donations in August 2016? The generous donations made it possible for Abbé Anicet Gnanvi to successfully complete his studies in Rome. Today, we can see how your support has not only sustainably promoted his…

Hearing the voice of God anew

The vocation to become a priest is always a special grace and a unique gift. Life as a priest and in the priestly community is a task for the common good and means mastering a wide range of tasks and…

Father Ajim: A priest ready to serve

ISIS may not be in Germany, but we are all affected by the destruction it has caused and continues to cause. Millions of displaced refugees live in Germany alone. The almost 900,000 new refugee registrations in 2015 were the highest…

Lighthouses and Pillars

You can recognize good priests by their fruits! While many people are fleeing Kyiv, Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas has no intention of leaving the city. Right now, he wants to be close to the people as a priest, bishop, and shepherd,…

Missionaries for Sri Lanka

Helfen Sie Stipendiaten, wie Kasun, als Priesterausbilder, ihre Frucht zu vermehren! “Priest. I want to be a priest!” …the seven-year-old second grader Kasun announced to his classmates when the question about his career choice came up at school. Born in…